Wednesday, August 17, 2016

How to use Gmail to retrieve your Company or Personal Emails (POP)

Setup Gmail to retrieve your POP mails
(Company/Personal Mailbox)

Create a Gmail account at (Google).
Logon to your Gmail....

1. Go to top right corner, click on "Gear"At Gmail Gear: Go "Setting", click the tab: "Accounts and Import"
2. Click "Check mail from other accounts" (using POP3)
3. "Add a POP3 mail account you own", a window will pop up.
4. "Add a mail account you own" (POP UP)
Enter your full email address: (

"Next Step"

5. Enter the mail setting for:
Username: your full email address 
eg. (
Password: enter this email password
POP Server:
Webmail Port: 110
Tick : Label incoming messages: your email address
eg. (

"Next Step"

6. You can now retrieve mail from this account 
Would you also like to be able to send mail as .....
Tick : YES

"Next Step"

7. Enter information about your other email address
Name: Your Name OR Email Address
Tick : "Treat as an alias"

"Next Step"

8. Send mail through your SMTP server
SMTP Server: 
Port: select 25
Username: your full email address
eg. (
Password: enter this email password
Tick : Secured connection using TLS (recommended)

"Add Account"

9. "Confirm verification and add your email address"
Go to your mail that to be POP into Gmail, reveive mail from Gmail, copy the code, paste in the Gmail "Verify" column. Enter and verify the confirmation code.

10. Reminder: At Gmail / Gear / "Setting"
at "Accounts and Import" tab,
Scroll down to "Send mail as:"
at "When replying to a message:", please tick "Reply from the same address the message was sent to".


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